At the steep edge of the Trnovo Forest overlooking the Lijak stream a penetrated cliff has given shape to the Natural Bridge Skozno. The same name was given also to the underneath short grotto “spodmol”.
The nearly 15 m long and 10 meters high Natural Bridge was formed at the same time as the grotto. The bridge is only an extension of the arch above the cave being 15 m long and having the calcareous sinter at the bottom of it. From the cliff you can enjoy an extraordinary panoramic view of the Valley of Vipava and the Friulian Plain.
The locals tell that general Borojevič, the Austrian
commander-in-chief of the WWI Isonzo Front, used to watch from that sight a part of the battlefield of Gorica/Gorizia.
The nearly 15 m long and 10 meters high Natural Bridge was formed at the same time as the grotto. The bridge is only an extension of the arch above the cave being 15 m long and having the calcareous sinter at the bottom of it. From the cliff you can enjoy an extraordinary panoramic view of the Valley of Vipava and the Friulian Plain.
The locals tell that general Borojevič, the Austrian
commander-in-chief of the WWI Isonzo Front, used to watch from that sight a part of the battlefield of Gorica/Gorizia.