The Mura Factory is one of those social frameworks that one way or another has touched all citizens in Slovenia, and from which they must build a new set of considerations of their own identity and developmental goals. The project represents the museum as an institution of historical memory, as administrator of objects and ideas with the Museum of getting values ??from which they generate new events. The content builds on the development of the largest clothing industry in Central Europe, which is predominantly a rural area first, and which brought modern design in the field of fashion and media communication and made it brand new. Mura in in the Murska Sobota region Saturday and will connect with current fashion trends. It is one of those social frameworks which has touched all, and from which to build a new reflection of their own identity and development goals. The exhibition will present selected products, the clothing industry in the context of a comprehensive fashion and graphic design, which takes place within the network project of UF, INDUSTIJA.
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 9:00-1700; Saturday-Sunday: 9:00-13:00