Directed by: Uroš Fürst
Adaptation: Lija Pogačnik
Costume designer: Bistra Borak
Set designer: Greta Godnič
Video: Multipraktik
Audio: Dejan Batoćanin
Cast: Ula Furlan, Tina Gunzek and Ajda Smrekar, Lado Bizovičar
We live in a time in which the media bombards us with reality and talent shows; a time which dictates new values and causes the young to long for stardom and fame. The performance Creeps brings a behind-the-scenes look into the making of a hip, new television show. At an audition for a talk show host three adrenaline and ambition fuelled teenagers are pushed into a conflictive emotional state, turning their direct and shocking adolescent dialogue into excellent reality show material. Live from the studio onstage!