Monastery library Stanislav Škrabec - Kostanjevica Monastery
The monastery library was named in honor of Fr. Stanislav Škrabec (1844-1918), the greatest Slovenian linguist and grammarian of the 19th century, who live here for 42 years. The beginnings of the...
View ArticleSabotin
The Sabotin Hill (608m) lies at the junction of Pre-Alpine, Sub-Mediterranean areas and the Dinaric Alps. To the south it overlooks Nova Gorica, to the west it looks to the Brda region, to the east...
View ArticleTrenches of WW I Trail
(Solkan–Prevalo–Sveta gora–Vodice (monument)–Preški vrh–Prevalo) Would you like to feel how it was to be a soldier in World War I? Then start this almost ten-kilometer trail at the cross beside the...
View ArticleCasinò Fortuna
The Casino Fortuna is located in Rožna dolina and is the first Casino that expects you when crossing the border at the international border crossing Rožna dolina (200 m from the border crossing). It is...
View ArticleSabotin Peace Park - Cookbook
The Soča Valley, the Karst and the area along the lower reaches of Piave River and its hinterland represented a world in miniature during the three and a half year long war (May 1915 – November 1918)....
View ArticleChurch of the assumption above Vitovlje
Church of the Assumption above Vitovlje - sub sancta Maria de Golecz in Vitugliach - was mentioned for the first time in 1361. At the time of Turkish and Venetian raids the people of the valley found...
View ArticleThe Church of Christ The Saviour
The church was built in 1982, according to architect Franc Kvaternik's plans. It is located by the main road as you enter the town, leading to Solkan. The beauty and grandness of the church is hidden...
View ArticleKostanjevica monastery
Near Nova Gorica's centre, on a 143m high hill Kostanjevica is the Church, called Gospodovega oznanenja Mariji and beside it a Franciscan monastery. Close to the Slovenian-Italian border, the Chapel as...
View ArticleSveta Gora - Holly Mountain
Sveta Gora is situated where the Vipava Valley and Soča Valley meet and where the Goriška plain joins the Friuli Plain. With an altitude of 682 m above sea level, it offers a magnificant view of the...
View ArticleNova Gorica, Railway Station
The railway station is one of the rare older buildings of Nova Gorica, which was built after World War II as a new town. The station remained next to the demarcation of the border between Italy and...
View ArticleThe Town Hall
The municipal palace was built in 1950 according to the preliminary drawings by the architect Vinko Glanz. The building is a typical example of postwar architecture. Its façade is enriched with the...
View ArticleSolkan, Solkan bridge
Solkan bridge is the most prominent bridge on the Bohinj Railway route between Jesenice and Gorica, and one of the most famous bridges in Slovenia. According to the known data, the bridge has the...
View ArticleSquare of Europe
On February 12, 2004, the mayors of Italy’s Gorizia and Slovenia’s Nova Gorica removed the border barrier that had divided the two cities and officially opened a new common square shared by both...
View ArticleThe Regional museum, Goriški muzej Kromberk - Nova Gorica, Kromberk castle
The Regional museum Goriški muzej is according to its orientation a provincial museum with a general character. It operates in the area of fifteen communities in Primorska – the Slovene Litoral. On the...
View ArticleMarian Museum (Marijanski muzej)
The monastery of Sveta Gora houses a Marian Museum with ex-votos, remains of the destroyed basilica, devotional pictures, photographs and documents.
View ArticleThe Museum collection: Border-line in the Goriška region 1945 - 2004
The end of the Second World War, in May 1945, aroused discussions between the Yugoslav Federal People's Republic (FLRJ) and the Italian Realm inherent the national appurtenance of the Slovenian...
View ArticleCity Forest of Panovec
Nova Gorica is one of the rare cities in Slovenia which can boast of having such a large, preserved and interesting forest with numerous domestic and foreign tree species in the direct vicinity of the...
View ArticleThe Lijak stream
Lijak is a strong but irregular karstic spring of the stream of the same name flowing from below the precipitous edge of the Trnovo Forest.In the rocky slope above Lijak there is a natural bridge (15 m...
View ArticlePark Rafut
Park Rafut was planted in the second half of the 19th century over an area of 3 hectares. Within the park, there are a number of rare trees and shrubs. Due to the favourable soil and climatic...
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