One of the goals of this theater show, based on the work of the playwright Tone Partljič, is to reenact the history and memories of the town. The main theme is the wave of migration from the Littoral to Styria, in particular Maribor, in the last century. In 1915, migrants fled from the Battles of Isonzo, in 1922 Italian fascism sparked a wave of political and cultural migration, and in 1935 they left to avoid being conscripted into the Italian army during the occupation of Ethiopia (Italo-Abyssinian War). A total of more than 4,000 fugitives now live in Maribor, heavily influencing Styrian cultural and political views. Slovenians well know that the Slovenian language was spoken in the streets of Maribor only after the arrival of emigrants from the Littoral.
The collision of the two dialects, cultures, cuisines, traditions, etc. has influenced society enormously. Do we long for the good old days, or are we happy to live where we are now and are only sulking?
The show is directed by Vinko Moederndorfer. Mojca Partljič plays the role Micika and Renato Jenček is Aldo.